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Obituary ad
Obituary ad

Obituary Newspaper Classified Advertisement Booking Online

When a person is no more, in addition to dealing with internal matters, the family needs to inform far and near relatives and friends about the situation. This is best done through a single newspaper ad placed in the most appropriate newspaper at the earliest. Besides the name and date of the deceased, the ad would also inform of details of the funeral so that those who wish to attend may do so. Alongside can be added particulars of post-funeral observations like chautha, uthala, therveen, Month’s Mind and mass amongst other ceremonies depending on the culture of the family.


The least expensive form of obituary text classified advertisements are simply charged on the basis of the number of lines, words or characters used in the composition of the advertisement (depending on each newspaper’s policy). Text ads are straight forward, run-on line (ROL) advertisements which are the simplest way of matrimonial advertising. These can be enhanced at a slight additional expense with the use of bold type, background colour, tick mark or outline for higher visibility.


From all over India, the easiest and smoothest way to place classified obituary ads in newspapers is through Myadvtcorner, the online facility of an INS-accredited ad agency which offers free services like obituary classified ad rates or providing obituary classified ad samples while doing obituary classified advertisement booking online and booking death announcement classified advertisements as well as newspaper obituary classified advertisements.