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Name Change Ad
Name Change Ad

Jagbani Name Change Ad Booking Online

Looking to release Name Change Advertisement in Jagbani Newspaper? Myadvtcorner helps to book Change of Name Classified Ad for Jagbani Any Editions for following Purposes:

Change of Name in Passport, Change of Name in Passport after Marriage, Change of Name due to Spelling Error, Change of Name after divorce, Change of Name in case of Change in religion, Change of Name of a child in case of an Adoption, Change of Name for any legal purposes

To make the change legal, the first step is get the local notary public to make an affidavit mentioning the specific reason for changing the name. Next, take copies to two newspapers as one local and one national, to publish the ad.

Jagbani is a Punjabi broadsheet daily newspaper that is circulated in Punjab started by the Punjab Kesari Group in 1978. Printed in Jalandhar and Ludhiana it has an average circulation of 3.28 lakh copies.

It publishes name change classified ads that are simple run-on-line (ROL) text ads charged on a per-word basis.

From anywhere in India, the fastest and smoothest way to place Jagbani name change classified advertisements is through Myadvtcorner, the online facility of an INS-accredited ad agency. It offers free services like Jagbani name change classified ad rates, provides Jagbani name change classified ad samples and name change classified ads booking in Jagbani.