The Times of India Obituary Classified Display Ad Booking Online
When someone is no more, besides other internal matters, it is necessary to inform friends and relatives far and near. This is best done through a single newspaper obituary ad which not only conveys the news but also details of the funeral and ceremonies observed after that like a Prayer Meeting, Commemoration, Chautha, Uthavana, Uthala, Shradhanjali, Bhog, Mass or Month?s Mind depending on the family?s culture. One of the most suitable newspapers with 36 editions to choose from across India, is The Times of India.
It carries classified display (CD) ads which allow the basic word ad to be enhanced through colours, visuals and logos and are charged by the sq. cm.
From anywhere in India, the fastest and smoothest way to place obituary classified display ads in The Times of India newspaper is through Myadvtcorner, the online facility of an INS-accredited ad agency which offers free services like The Times of India obituary classified display ad rates, which vary according to the edition, does The Times of India obituary classified display ad booking online and books TOI obituary classified display ads.
So, depend on this instant online facility at your fingertips when booking The Times of India obituary classified display advertisement.