Times of India Education Classified Advertisement Booking Online
Education is the bedrock of individual growth, which contributes to societal growth and thereby national growth. Thus, educational ads are placed by all kinds of institutions from preschool to beyond postgraduate and institutional levels, informing prospective students of the details, timings and other particulars of their classes and courses. Such ads are placed in newspapers with the widest reach.
The Times of India (TOI) is an English broadsheet daily newspaper which is India?s third-largest newspaper by circulation, having a daily circulation of 3,057,678 as of Jul-Dec 2015, as per the Audit Bureau of Circulations, which claims that it is the largest selling English daily in the world.
It carries ads are carried as follows:
The Times of India Education Text Classified Ads: These are the cheapest and are printed in simple run-on-line (ROL) and charged by the line.
The Times of India Education Classified Display Ads: These cost more since they allow eye-catching enhancements like colour, logos and visuals, and are charged by the sq.cm.
The Times of India Education Display Ads: These are the costliest as there is no restriction to the size, colours or page of an ad, and are also charged by the sq.cm.
From anywhere in India, the quickest and smoothest way to place an education ad in The Times of India, or school, courses, coaching, classes, tuition, institution advertisement in The Times of India, is through Myadvtcorner, the online facility of an INS-accredited ad agency which offers such free services as the latest The Times of India education ad rates, since they vary per edition, provides The Times of India education ad samples, does The Times of India education advertisement booking online, and books education ads in Times of India Newspaper.