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Matrimonial Ad in Newspaper

Book Matrimonial Ad in Newspaper

When two people come together as husband and wife, quite often it is a union sparked by a newspaper matrimonial ad. This ad frequently follows long searches by them individually and their separate families to find suitable matches for each as the otherwise strangers to each other grew up from adolescence to maturity. In the process, they themselves may have explored possibilities independently with people they met through their school, college and growing-up years.

 All these earlier endeavors were inevitably very restricted to one's immediate social, professional or other personal circle which would change through the years but would nonetheless remain very small.

Matrimonial advertisements in Indian newspapers such as The Times of India, Hindustan Times, Dainik Jagran, Amar Ujala, The Tribune, Navbharat Times, Hindustan Hindi, Malayala Manorama, Eenadu, Gujarat Samachar, Daily Ajit, The Telegraph, Inquilab, Anandabazar Patrika, Asomiya Pratidin, Andhra Jyothi, Daily Thanthi, Prajavani, Maharashtra Times and some 1000 more members of the Indian Newspaper Society (INS) provide wide-ranging responses in all or India's languages. Such responses give the concerned couple and families far bigger choices than they had been exposed to hitherto.

 Matrimonial ads in newspapers normally take the form of  classified advertisements in the matrimonial supplement most newspapers usually print on Sundays, which by itself is read by even families who have no immediate interest in matrimonial matters - but this supplement gives them an idea of what kinds of grooms and brides can be sought in such columns. This explains why this supplement has practically become a habit as "supplementary" Sunday reading in many homes.

Groom and Bride wanted ad in Newspaper 

 Another reason for the acceptance of such columns that carry ''Bride Wanted'' and ''Groom Wanted'' ads is they seem more credible because the responses appear genuine since it is possible to identify the persons behind the ads through correspondence and other contacts. Even otherwise, advertisers by and large are getting satisfactory responses from matrimonial ads in newspapers rather than on the internet where custom-tailoring ads to individual needs is difficult and more expensive.  

Types of Newspaper Matrimonial Advertisement:

There are two formats in which matrimonial classified advertisements are accepted: one is the Classified Text Ad while the other is the Classified Display Ad. They are charged differently because of the different format and placement.

 Matrimonial Classified Text Ads are laid out in a simple running text and are cheaper. Their charges are based on the number of lines or words (depending on the newspaper) used in the advertisement. At extra cost, some eye-catching enhancements like bold letters, background colour and tick mark, are possible.

 Matrimonial Classified Display Ads cost more because the advertisers get more freedom to design their own ads using different images, fonts and logos. One can use black-and-white or colour which influences the cost also. Hence, they are charged per square centimetre of space consumed although there is a restriction on the maximum and minimum height and width of the ad. 

How to Write a Matrimonial Classified Ad?

It is essential that the ad contains accurate information if proper responses are to be ensured. If not, one can lose valuable time in finding the appropriate bride or groom. At the same time, there is a need to economise on the number of words used to save on costs of advertising. Hence, certain abbreviations or short forms have evolved that achieve this double-objective. 

Following are a few examples of what can be used in a matrimonial classified advertisement: 

SM4 (meaning Suitable Match for), PQM (Professionally Qualified Match), B'ful (Beautiful), H.some (Handsome), BHP (Biodata/Horoscope/Photograph), Edu (Educated), Engr (Engineer), fmly (Family), wrkg (Working), LPA (lakh per annum), mglk (Mangalik), Veg (Vegetarian) etc. The trick is to use abbreviations that reduce the number of characters without losing the meaning of the words in the ad matter so as to bring down the cost of the advertisement.

 Remember to include the person's age and height along with religion, caste or language in case such sub-categories are not available in the concerned newspaper and you require them. Where such sub-categories are available, their use will not only reduce the cost of the ad but also focus on the particular sub-category of people interested in your own sub-category who are reading matrimonial ads in newspapers, leading to a wider and faster response. Most important, at the end of the ad are the contact details which you must provide.

 Make sure your ad is submitted at least three days before you want it published. 

How TO Book Matrimonial Advertisement Online in Newspaper:

1.)    Select Newspaper and choose its Editions from where you want to publish your Marriage Ad.
2.)    View Matrimonial Packages and select ad packages according to your budget and Click Book Now Button.
3.)    Go to Editor, Use any one Sample Ad Template and Type Text matter in Given Box.
4.)    Select Sub Category, Heading, Sub Heading, Click Ad Enhancement Option and Tick any appropriate option according to your choice.
5.)    Select No. of Ad you want to publish in Newspaper, Select Publishing Date from Calendar.
6.)    Upload Any Legal Documents if required.
7.)    Check Ad Preview for finalizing your matrimonial advertisement
8.)    Type Your Email ID in Box as well as your Contact No. and Click Proceed to Payment Button.

On Successful payment, you receive an auto generated invoice from online system confirming your Matrimonial newspaper Advertisement booking, After approval your Matrimonial Advertisement would be release in the newspaper.

Online facility for Matrimonial Newspaper Ads

From across India, one can choose any edition of any newspaper in any language through clicking Myadvtcorner, the arm of a full-service, INS-accredited advertising agency, Mind Makers Communications Pvt Ltd which has been functioning since 1990. Today, in addition to designing the bride wanted ad, groom wanted ad, its media wing will provide free matrimonial ad services like the latest matrimonial newspaper ad rates, book matrimonial ads in newspapers of India and save massive amounts of time and effort simultaneously.

 Matrimonial Classified Text Ad Samples:

  1. PQM for Srivastava H'some 33/5'8" BE. S/W Engr. Wrkg Bangalore from Reputed family. Mobile- 9431690471. Email:
  2. SUITABLE alliance for E&TC Engg-wrkg Infosys. Sr. Sys. Engr-Pune, 25/6'/5.5 Lac, own Flat & Car. 9623740809. EM-
  3. SM h'some Srivastava 29, 5'8" B. Tech Bank officer, Reputed Lko family seeks fair Beautiful educated working girl decent family. M-9560078100
  4. SAXENA 5'11", Ansh. Mglk, 27.1089/6.24am Bly. Asstt. Mgr- Govt. Bank Seeks b'ful PQ wkg girl. Bank Emp. Pref. 9984946461, Eml:
  5. PQ slim, pretty girl from cultured fmly, pref. Doc./IT. 4 a UP kayastha h’some bachelor 35/5’6” physician in Canada E:
  6. U.P. KAYASTH never m’red. Boy V Fair.h'sme 36/5’7"/M.Sc./Ph.D./MBA/Prof @Kota since 10 yrs/High 7flg pa/need girl ready relocate/V.fair Slim/V.B'ful/educated/neverm’rrd/erly m’rge Contact: 9660200640. Email:
  7. FAIR Tall Upper Caste Girl for Srivastava boy N.M.W. setld 81/Fair 5'/10'' V'hsom C.A. Inter, MBA, wkg/Stdyng. Erng. 6 digits. Em: Mob: 9415223030
  8. KAYASTHA Boy 28/5'9" B.Tech MBA work in Noida Package 5LPA seeks Professional Girl caste no bar. #7317693330, 7897593330
  9. SM4 handsome Mathur Boy July 83/5'5"/ Manager Legal in Reliance Delhi, Father former HC Judge Caste no bar Contact M. 8004928876 E:
  10. SM4 Manglik/Saxena 86/5’8” PhD IIT, BHU H’some Boy wkg as Asst. Prof. IIT’B’bsr seeks b'ful & qualified Girl. Email- Cont. - 7860148399, 9509217096